Is a pedicure worth it

april1Is a pedicure worth it?

As warm weather returns, many of us think of showing off our feet, and what better way than with fun sandals and cheerful nail polish colors, but… how good is that pedicure for your feet?

On average, a nail salon sees multiple clients a day and while you may judge a salon on price, don’t be afraid to ask about their sterilization practices. Nail polishes, tools, foot baths all hold and can transfer bacteria. While the majority of salons across the nation maintain high standards of hygiene, others may not.

april2Your feet can be prone to different types of infection from bacteria, fungus and viruses. “Digger the Dermatophyte” made toenail fungus famous on the TV commercials advertising the anti fungal pill medication Lamisil. A fungal nail can look  yellowed, chalky, or brittle.

april3Toenail fungus can be treated with advanced laser therapy.

Athletes foot, a skin fungus, can be scaly or form blisters and be itchy. A common viral infection is a wart. It can occur as a painful bump on the top or bottom of your foot.

Local Sebring Nail Technician Vicki Musselman says she always asks if a person has diabetes. A person who has neuropathy (numb feet), diabetes or peripheral arterial disease (poor circulation) has a higher chance of serious problems if their feet get infected. A heavy smoker is more likely to have poor circulation. Viruses are another possible source of infection. A person with a weak immune systems is more susceptible to infections.

Easy tips to a safe enjoyable pedicure include: 
1)Don’t shave your legs right before your appointment. This gives bacteria an opportunity to invade any tiny nicks in your skin. Skip the foot bath if you have any sores like scrapes, cuts or scabs on the your feet or legs.

2) Bring your own instruments with you. Beauty supply and drug stores carry inexpensive pedicure tools.

3) Beware of bladed instrument to shave corns or calluses. Nail Technician Vicki Musselman relates that these are actually banned in Florida and should never be used.

4)april4Never have a  “doctor fish” pedicure which uses actual fish to eat up dead skin on the feet. Although banned in Florida it is legal in other states.

april55) Don’t dig into the nail borders. Opt for a shape that’s square, not oval since rounded toenails are more likely to dig into skin, causing painful ingrown toenails.


6) Respect the cuticle. Pushing back the cuticle excessively increases the risk of infection. The cuticle functions as your nail’s protective barrier.

7) Ask about the salon’s pedicure sanitation. Does your pedicurist wash their hands in between clients? Inquire about the proper disinfection of their pedicure tubs.

april68) Consider Dr. Remedy Nail Polish created by doctors which contains no formaldehyde, DBP, and toluene (known toxic chemicals).

So this year, feel free to show off those pedicured feet. But if you suspect a problem such as a discolored thickened toenail, or an odd spot that wasn’t there before, call your podiatrist, the earlier the better.

Dr. Olga Garcia Luepschen and the Gentle Foot Care Center are located on US 27. For more
information visit or call 863-314-9255.


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