Diabetic? See a foot doctor!

photo1Diabetic? See a foot doctor!

November is known for holidays or events such as Thanksgiving and the Macy’s Day Parade, but it is ALSO National Diabetes Awareness Month. Diabetes is a disease in which the body’s inability to produce any or enough insulin causes raised levels of glucose in the blood. Insulin is a hormone that the body requires to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed daily.

The two major types of diabetes are Type I and Type 2. Type I Diabetics do not produce any insulin and must take daily insulin injections to survive. Type 2 Diabetes accounts for the majority of diabetics, Type 2 Diabetics have the insulin but their bodies do not use it properly.

As you may have guessed, Diabetes can have major effects on your body, including your feet! In the majority of cases, if you see a podiatrist you can avoid serious foot problems by early detection and care.

There are 28 million people in the U.S. with diabetes, and about half will develop neuropathy. Neuropathy is a loss of feeling in the feet. This nerve damage can be subtle meaning you may not notice if you have an injury or open sore. Poor circulation called Peripheral artery disease (PAD) can decrease and sometimes prevent wound healing.

This leads to a greater chance of amputation. Diabetes is the leading cause of non-traumatic lower-limb amputation.

If you are a Diabetic, seeing a podiatrist is crucial so that we are able to identify potential foot conditions. We inspect the feet for skin color changes, cuts, and deformities that could increase your chance of infection.

We look between the toes because that is where infections often begin. We will test sensation by using a monofilament wire and tuning fork to evaluate your awareness of touch.


The Gentle Foot Care Center is proactive in preventing diabetic complications by providing a variety of diabetic services in our community. We have a Certified Pedorthotist who constructs special walking boots and braces for our Diabetic patients. This November besides indulging in that extra helping of pumpkin pie while watching the Macy’s Day Parade or football game take a couple of minutes and schedule your diabetic foot appointment with your local podiatrist.
Dr. Olga Garcia Luepschen and the Gentle Foot Foot Care Center are located on U.S. 27. If you have any questions about diabetic feet call (863)-314-9255 or go to

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